Call 2020 - KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
Il progetto si propone di formare e sensibilizzare gli studenti sul tema della difesa dell’ambiente e il l’utilizzo equo e solidale delle risorse naturali. Le attività verranno svolte all’interno di un partenariato che coinvolge 5 paesi europei (Turchia, Lituania, Portogallo , Romania, Italia). L'obiettivo principale è creare un contesto per 5 scuole europee con background molto diversi per condividere informazioni e pratiche sulle questioni ambientali e sui metodi per affrontarle . Partendo dalle scuole questo modello di rispetto e salvaguardia delle politiche ambientali diventerà un modello per tutte le componenti della società . Per raggiungere questi obiettivi gli studenti impareranno insieme e impareranno gli uni dagli altri , analizzeranno le differenze di comportamenti in termini di ambiente e condivideranno le conclusioni. Il progetto metterà gli studenti al centro di tutte le attività per renderli consapevoli protagonisti nella costruzione di “un futuro più pulito”.
Verranno organizzate 5 mobilità e tutti i partner lavoreranno all’interno dei seguenti topics:
C1 – L’acqua è vita (approccio interdisciplinare, acqua come fonte di vita, scarsità d'acqua)
C2 - Mantenere pulito il nostro ambiente (riciclaggio, gestione dei rifiuti)
C3 - Inspirare, espirare (inquinamento atmosferico, qualità dell'aria)
C4 - Problemi di riscaldamento globale ed energie rinnovabili per lo sviluppo sostenibile
C5 - Agisci per costruire un futuro pulito
Obiettivi principali:
- Scambiare idee e pratiche con altri paesi europei sull'ambiente
- Introdurre gli studenti a questioni e concetti ambientali come lo sviluppo sostenibile, le fonti di energia rinnovabile
- Sviluppare l’autoapprendimento e l’ autonomia per gli studenti conducendo ricerche, raccogliendo e presentando dati
- Sviluppare la creatività, il pensiero critico e il pensiero analitico degli studenti
Il gruppo di studenti target è composto da 1000 studenti di età compresa tra 14 e 18 anni. Si tratta di un mix di nazionalità, background sociale ed economico, religioni, studenti con diverse abilità e potenzialità, con risultati scolastici diversi, appartenenti ad aree rurali e urbane, studenti dell'IFP o dell'istruzione generale.
Parteciperanno al progetto docenti delle diverse aree disciplinari garantendo cosi un approccio differenziato alle varie tematiche. Accompagneranno gli studenti nelle varie fasi del progetto e nelle mobilità.
Call 2020 - KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
While people want to rule nature and lead a comfortable life, they sometimes destroy it unintentionally. We want our schools toturn into green schools where environmental policies are implemented and respected by all. Finally, we want to create a model for our societiesand determine how other schools take action in the field of ecology.To achieve these desires, we have established this European partnership, which includes 5 different European schools that will observe eachother, learn together and learn from each other, analyze the differences between us in terms of environmental issues and draw conclusions. We
will place students at the center of all activities, as we ask them to produce changes in them. As an active part of all project activities, we believethat students will become more responsible and active in environmental protection.
In this way, we will organize 5 exchanges:
C1 - Water is Life (interdisciplinary approach, water as a source of life, water shortage)
C2 - Keep our environment clean (recycling, waste management)
C3 - Breathe in, Breathe out (air pollution, air quality)
C4 - Global warming issues and renewable energy for sustainable development
C5 - Take action to build a clean future
The main objective of the project is to create a context for 5 European schools with very different backgrounds to share information and practiceson environmental issues and methods of dealing with them. In this context, we aim to ensure that students appreciate their environment more,
think about the future of our planet, and take action to produce visible and lasting changes in their local communities.
Our main goals are:
- Exchange ideas and practices with other European countries on the environment
- Introduce students to environmental issues and concepts such as sustainable development, renewable energy sources
- Gain self-learning and autonomy to students by conducting research, collecting and presenting data
- Develop students' creativity, critical thinking and analytical thinking
The target student group consists of 1000 students aged 14-18. These are a mix of nationalities, social and economic backgrounds, religions,mixed talent students, students with both high and low achievement, rural and urban areas, VET or general education students.
They will facilitate students' access to meetings with the authorities, organize activities for the project, and promote the project in the community.40 teachers will participate as companions. These are other teachers from the project team and from various areas of expertise such as English,Biology, Chemistry, Science, Geography.
We expect the project to lead to many positive changes at all partner schools levels. Firstly, the tie between teachers and students and therelationship between school and parents will also improve. Parents will be more aware of the key role played by the school in developing futurecitizens who will contribute to the development of society. Local governments will see the participating schools as a dialogue partner and supportstudents in both the project and their future initiatives, because we expect students to develop new initiatives and become active in theircommunity. NGOs will be our partners and we will develop future projects with them.